Royston Cave


Discover Royston Cave, hidden beneath Melbourn Street. It was discovered purely by accident in 1742 when a millstone was found just beneath the surface of the ground. The removal of the millstone revealed a vertical shaft into the chalk, which on investigation led into a cave hewn out of the solid chalk.

Royston Cave is unique in Europe and is still largely unexplained. Some of the carvings are easily recognised such as those depicting the Crucifixion, St Catherine, St Christopher and St Lawrence, while others still defy positive identification – although many are clearly medieval.

Researchers have come up with a number of intriguing theories suggesting the Cave may have been used by the Knights Templar or the Freemasons but its true origin and purpose remain an enigma to this day.

Royston Cave is usually open from Easter Saturday to the end of September every year.

In 2021, the Cave is open until 31st October.

Opening Hours
Bank Holidays
Online booking only, tour times at 2pm, 2.40pm, 3.20pm and 4pm.

Katherine’s Yard, Melbourn Street, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 7BZ

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